About Us

SnehSeva was started on 15th of August 1981 by a group of 24 members (all couples) . They believed that SnehSeva would enable them to extend activities beyond what other similar clubs like Rotary or Lions did. The 24 started with a passion for doing something good for society.

SnehSeva has the noble vision of enhancing friendship (Sneh) while doing service (Seva). The group had innovative and path-breaking ideas about education, child upbringing, draught alleviation and similar activities, and jumped into projects and activities with enthusiasm, at times contributing their own money. Most of SnehSeva members came into contact with SnehSeva through these projects.

The initial projects were: organising students’ camps, repairing hand-pumps and building small dams for collecting water in draught-prone areas, health camps, collecting spare medicines at ‘collection centres’ and redistributing them. The group even leased through their own contributions a barren plot of land adjoining Khadakwasla backwaters at Khanapur village. Students’ and childrens’ camps held here became very popular and educative. This was a path-breaking idea in those times.

Presently SnehSeva has more than 100 members and holds weekly meetings on Tuesdays at Niwara in Navi Peth, Pune. Its members are engaged in active projects: Sainik Sneh for benefit of armed forces personnel, Health services in health clinics for the needy on low fees, Financial educational support for deserving students …….

We welcome members who share our thought of ‘Sneh and Seva’



Will be announced soon

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